Wiro Sableng #61 : Makam Tanpa Nisan

Posted by rhadika | 3:08 AM | 0 comments »

Wiro Sableng #61 : Makam Tanpa Nisan Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito

MATAHARI belum lama tenggelam. Namun pulau kecil di pantai barat pesisir Andalas itu telah ter-bungkus kegelapan. Kesunyian yang mencengkam dibayang-bayangi oleh deru angin laut dan debur ombak yang memecah di pasir pulau. Sesekali kunang-kunang be-terbangan di udara, sesaat menjadi titik-titik terang yang tak ada artinya lalu menghilang lenyap dan kembali ke-gelapan kelam menghantui.

Sesosok tubuh berjalan terbungkuk-bungkuk dalam ke-gelapan. Gerakan kedua kakinya enteng dan hampir tidak terdengar. Namun binatangbinatang melata yang ber-telinga tajam dan ada disekitar situ masih dapat men-dengar gerakan langkah kaki orang ini lalu cepat-cepat melarikan diri menjauh.

Di samping serumpun pohon bakau orang ini hentikan langkahnya. Telinganya dipasang tajamtajam. Kedua mata-nya memandang tak berkesip ke muka. Di depannya dalam kegelapan dia melihat, ada mata air kecil jernih, yang mem-bentuk sebuah parit dangkal. Dia mengikuti parit itu ke arah seberang sana hingga pandangan matanya tertumbuk pada akar sebuah pohon yang sangat besar.

Lama orang ini menatap pohon be
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Wiro Sableng #155 : Sang Pemikat

Posted by rhadika | 5:38 AM | 0 comments »

Wiro Sableng #155 : Sang Pemikat Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito


MALAM hari menjelang hujan turun lebat. Rumah yang terletak tak jauh dari Kali Progo itu tampak sunyi diselimuti kegelapan. Di dalam rumah semua orang tertidur lelap, keletihan dan kedinginan. Hanya Purnama seorang yang tidak bisa memicingkan mata. Banyak hal memenuhi dan membuncah jalan pikirannya. Pertama sakitnya Pendekar 212 Wiro Sableng. Meski kini peredaran darah Wiro sudah berhasil disembuhkan, namun penyakit yang kelak bakal menyengsarakan dirinya masih mendekam dalam tubuhnya. Apakah benar pemuda itu akan kehilangan kejantanannya seumur hidup?

Gadis dari negeri 1200 tahun silam ini secara diam-diam berusaha menjajagi Kitab Seribu Pengobatan yang dihafalnya di luar kepala. Namun entah karena pikiran yang sedang kacau atau memang tidak ada cara penyembuhan penyakit seperti yang dialami Wiro dalam kitab itu, maka dia tidak mendapat petunjuk apa-apa.

Selain itu jalan pikiran Purnama juga dipenuhi dengan galau tanda tanya besar m
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Wiro Sableng #92 : Asmara Darah Tua Gila Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito



Angin barat bertiup kencang. Perahu layar itu meluncur laju di permukaan laut. Di atas perahu Tua Gila duduk termangu di haluan. Di kepalanya bertengger sebuah caping lebar terbuat dari bambu yang melindunginya dari terik matahari. Orang tua ini senyum-senyum sendiri bila dia ingat pengalamannya di pulau kediaman Rajo Tuo Datuk Paduko intan.

"Dunia memang penuh keanehan. Mana aku pernah menyangka bakalan bertemu dengan menantuku sendiri. Hik... hik... hik! Untung dia tidak tahu aku si tua bangka buruk ini mertuanya. Ha... ha... ha!"

Kekeh Tua Gila mendadak terhenti ketika tiba-tiba dirasakannya perahu layar itu bergerak di bagian depan. Gerakan itu demikian perlahannya hingga jika bukan orang berkepandaian tinggi seperti Tua Gila tidak akan merasa atau mengetahui. Tua Gila memandang berkeliling. "Tak ada ombak besar tak ada tiupan
... baca selengkapnya di Wiro Sableng #92 : Asmara Darah Tua Gila Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

By Christopher Gibbs

In this article I am going to discuss the benefits
of implementing whey protein into your diet
while you are trying to lose weight.

The general function of any kind of protein
is to assist the muscles in re-growing themselves
after they have been used during a workout. But
what is it that makes whey protein stand out from
the rest of the proteins?

Here are some answers for you. The beautiful
thing about whey protein is that it is a naturally
complete protein that contains the (BCAA's)
Branched Chain Amino Acids that are essential
for your body if you really want to achieve optimum
results. BCAA's are the first amino acids used by
your body when you decide to exercise, that is
why it is important to have a good amount of them.
Although it is true that you can find BCAA's in many
other things, whey protein tends to have the highest
amount of it.

Another great thing about whey protein is that it is
pure protein, which means that there is little or no
fat and carbohydrates mixed in with it, like other
protein powders such as muscle milk. Further more
whey protein carries a very large amount
of the amino acid called leucine which promotes
fat loss by trying to preserve lean muscle tissues.

In addition to the above benefits, whey protein
also adds to fat loss in that it takes more energy to break
down. More energy equals more calories. Not only
does it burn more calories but it also triggers
certain hunger suppressing hormones that keep your
appetite at bay longer than usual.

With all that said, whey protein is something
that comes highly recommended with anyone
interested in losing fat.

For More Information Regarding Weight Loss Go To: http://www.reviewsomefat.com

By Marcus Peterson

Whey proteins drinks, especially shakes, are available in a variety of flavors such as vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. Whey protein drinks are also available in other flavors such as fruit punch, orange cream and grape.

Bodybuilders and athletes find whey proteins are more compatible for their digestive systems as whey protein is lactose free, as well as being lower in calories, sugar and carbohydrates. Whey protein can be found in a variety of other protein shake and protein drink blends. For instance, whey protein is also included in Pure Gro's blend of 5 different proteins including egg protein, milk protein, soy protein and calcium caseinate protein. You can also use whey protein in many of your favorite cooking and baking dishes to ensure that your body is getting sufficient daily intake.

Whey protein drinks are a delicious and nutritious way of increasing your daily intake of protein, making sure you get all of the essential amino acids into your body daily and helping maintain your immune system at peak working order.

You can make your own whey protein drinks using whey protein powder and any number of combinations. Purists mix it with bottled water, putting nothing unknown into their bodies for a variety of personal reasons. Others mix it with any of a number of juices, orange or grape to arrive at a flavor they like. Still others use it in a fruit smoothie type of drink, mixing the pure powder with bananas, peaches, blueberries and other fruits plus milk or water, producing a thick, sweet mixture that fills the stomach, removes that hungry feeling, satisfies the bodies need for amino acids and tastes good.

There are many diets that recommend using whey protein powder as one of several herbal, mineral ingredients including enzymes to digest the powder even faster than the body can digest it on its own.

Whey Protein Info provides detailed information about whey protein powder, drinks, concentrate, and best whey protein, as well as the benefits of whey protein and other helpful whey protein facts. Whey Protein Info is the sister site of Home Gyms Web.

By Darcy Dal

What is Whey Protein

Whey protein is a high quality protein powder from cow's milk. Milk has two proteins: Casein (approximately 80%) and Whey Protein (approximately 20%). Whey protein is more soluble than casein and also has a higher quality rating. Whey Protein is also often referred to as the "Gold Standard" of protein as it is the most nutritious protein available.

If you're not convinced, Whey Protein is one of the 5 Basic Bodybuilding Supplements

What is the difference between Whey Protein Isolate from Whey Protein Concentrate?

Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of whey protein available. It contains 90% or more protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose. Whey protein concentrate has anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending upon the product.


Whey protein is a naturally complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids required in the daily diet. Whey protein has the ideal combination of amino acids to help improve body composition and enhance athletic performance. Whey protein also contains a rich amount of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). BCAAs are important as they are metabolized into muscle tissues directly. Whey protein is also east to digest and is efficiently absorbed into the body. It makes very good Post-Workout Shakes.

How To Squeeze More Results Out Of Each Scoop Of Protein Powder You Take

Elevated cholesterol is another factor associated with heart disease and whey protein has been shown to reduce cholesterol in a number of animal and clinical studies. Certain bioactive components in whey protein may be responsible for the cholesterol reduction however additional research is needed in this area.

Whey protein contains many of the same components found in human breast milk and for this reason, is a key ingredient in a wide variety of infant formulas, including those for premature infants.

Side Effects

There are no documented side effects provided a person does not have an allergy to dairy proteins or does not need to restrict dairy products for medical reasons. If you are allergic to dairy proteins please consult with a physician prior to consuming any type of whey protein.



Darcy is currently studying and researching into Sports and Exercise Sciences. He Co-Owns and http://www.supplementtracker.com Contact: Darcy[at]supplementtracker.com "Our body is like a delicate piece of art, every portion and every detail has to be sculpt carefully and patiently to get what we want" -Darcy

By Rolf Rasmusson

Protein Supplement – whey protein.

Why is protein supplement important? Protein has many benefits and if you body doesn’t get enough protein from other sources like food, protein supplement is a great substitute. And there are so many quality proteins available in the current market that you can be sure that you will find the protein supplement that is right for you specific needs, whether you will use it for bodybuilding or fitness program. You can pick the right protein supplement by taking both the ingredients and the cost into consideration.

Protein Supplement – protein benefits.

By using protein supplement you can enjoy the many benefit of protein. One of the most important benefits of protein is a muscle-building benefit. Protein provides the building blocks for muscle development. For example a whey-based protein powders are very important elements of any fundamental bodybuilding or fitness nutrition program.

Protein Supplement – soy, whey, or egg protein supplements.

Soy, whey, or egg protein supplements are examples of protein supplements available in the current market. Soy, whey, or egg is a reference to a protein supplement source. This source has been concentrated through high heat drying, acid extraction, or filtration. After the concentration process there is usually 60 - 70 percent protein by dry weight. But when the protein is concentrated other things like lactose and fat are also concentrated with it.

Protein Supplement – use carefully.

Protein supplement can be used for various purposes, but always consult a doctor if a specific protein is right for you. When a specific diet is combined with the use of protein supplement, the value can be much greater and results better. Good exercising program can help too.


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